Wednesday, March 7, 2012

6 Month Dr. Appt!

Just hanging out with Mommy, waiting for her 6 month check-up.  It was all fun and games, until it was time for shooootttts!!!

6th percentile for weight; 45th for height!


Campbell said...

Okay, first of all, I'm naked. So, are 'ya happy you posted pictures of me in my birthday suit? Secondly, could my brother throw just one bone my way and let me know a 6 Month Dr. Appt. is not like a trip to Disneyland? Really??? Who can I trust in this world?

Karl Stutelberg said...

Also, did you see the spider that looks like it is going to land on my HEAD! You're just smiling away mom and I'm about it get bit by a black widow. Thanks alot!